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Following a link to the original story which you should do instead of the edited version is how I came to this news media. Not going to comment on a Contracted Writer but about my experience with the Sun Sentinel or they also call themselves Florida Sunsentinel or the South Florida SunSentinel after reading the Paid comments and unpaid I read their rules and Logged in for a Free sub as they implied. Wrote defending the young man in article as most did not as his teacher got into a Twitter war with a student which should not happen never mind the subject or why teacher is monitoring students Social Media of even students not in their class. None of which is not only creepy but perverted and unProfessional unless this is some sort of new State Sanctioned Operation, but this is still America. At POSTing to POST am informed , Only Paid Subscribers are allowed to Post to Comments. And again they tried to sell me on upping my Points and Fronting my or others Comments by the more I PAID.!! hmmm SCAM & Fraud which is not mentioned in FAQ or Rules Stay away. Also allow bullying.
Not very safe site.
over 10 different tracking cookies. Definite privacy issues. Although it is a news site, some photo slideshows depicting violence or sexually suggestive themes are not acceptable for children.
6 JavaScript web bugs for tracking/advertising sites (per Ghostery). Excellent privacy? Trustworthy?
Possible pop-up ad when you browse.
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