Безопасен ли bdsmovement.net?

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BDS is an anti-Semitic movement spreading lies about Israel while shoveling out Palestinian propaganda
BDS is an anti-Semitic hate organization. Avoid if you have principles.
Its ultimate objective is to remove the Jewish state under the guise of human rights.
Official page of global political antisionistic movement. Hope that one day they start to boycot also countries where women can't show their legs publically.
Anti-Israel and Antisemitic hate group.
No hay ningun malware. No entiendo con mywot lo marca en amarillo si la mayoria de los comentarios son favorables y los negativos esta claro que proceden de fanaticos isrraelies llenos de odio.
There is nothing wrong with this site. No malware, only an opinion that Israel should not commit warcrimes.
Nothing wrong with site or what it stands for. Justice for Palestine!
Informative! Trustworthy! We need sites like this which give info on how to divest from Apartheid Israel!
The objections to this site are entirely politically motivated and dishonest.
i've never had any issues with this site, so perhaps it's just the content some people take issue with.. those people may want to do some self examination, and stop being in denial about what's true..
It's fine. Those supporting the Israeli apartheid are upset about the info of this site.
This is a GOOD site. Zionists have obviously made a concerted attack to give this site a poor rating. Everything is not always as it seems.
To be opposed to this site is simply to be opposed to the existence of the Palestinian people.
The BDS movement, which calls for boycotts and divestment of all things Israeli, and sanctions against the Jewish nation, is nothing more than an antisemitic movement. One cannot be "anti-Zionist" without being antisemitic. Zionism states that the Jews have a right to their own land. They became a nation in 1948 just as we did in 1776. Imagine if, in 1842, a group of people around the world started boycotting everything American but claimed they didn't hate Americans. They just believed we had no right to our own land. While that would be laughable, it is true that we Americans were not here first; Jews have been a population in Israel for 3,800 years, a large presence for 3,300 years. If you read more about the BDS movement, you will find rampant and rapid Jew-hatred. They say they boycott Israel. But, will they give up their cell phones and Pentium processors, both of which were boycotted there? The BDSers will cite Jews who are part of their group, as if that legitimizes them. But, these Jews are self-loathing antisemites themselves. Shame on them for being used by haters around the world. Look at the company these people keep: Farakkhan, radical Muslims, the far left, no friends of Jews.
BDS is a good faith movement which calls for active non-violent resistance in the face of injustice.
Nothing whatsoever to this site should lead one to believe it to be the least bit questionable in any way. Negative ratings appear to be politically motivated based on ideological opposition to both the Call and BDS principles.
Absolutely nothing dangerous about this website. Other than the dangers of knowing the other side of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. "The global movement for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights was initiated by Palestinian civil society in 2005"
I have seen BDS site for years, occasionally followed links through; info always corroborated elsewhere and no integrity issues, no security ones either. A site with value in its focus and alternative news.
Advocating hate and destruction. Whilst Israel might have done controversial or inhumane things so have many other countries. This does not warrant them from being 'wiped of the map'.
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