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penislargefun.ru appears in Joe Wein Blacklist *****
Рассылка email спама! / Email spam sending! Покупая у подобных "контор" товары и услуги, вы оправдаете их грязные "методы рекламы". И, как результат, - завтра получите еще больше спама. / Buying from these "firms" products and services, you will justify their dirty "methods advertising". And as a result - tomorrow will get even more spam.
WARNING: Here is the long and short of it. "MaxPro" is yet another in a long line of fraudulent Male Enhancement Scam Brands brought to you by Russian criminals. The key word is FRAUD and that constitutes CRIME. Do not click on links found in spam e-mail messages. Why would you want to trust criminals with your credit card details, or with your good health? Stay far away from sites such as this. Do not become their next victim. See here: ***** ***** *****
Spammer listed with Joewein re: ***** DNS: http://www.robtex.com/dns/penislargefun.ru.html
Blacklisted by Joe Wein for sending spam
A company located in Russia - registrar: NAUNET-REG-RIPN - accepts service contracts from criminals for Russian (.ru) domain names. They are sinking Russia's reputation to an all time low. In September a spam trap report showed 93.16% - 218 of 234 domains appearing in email which are registered at NAUNET-REG-RIPN were spammed in the previous 5 days. A sample of spammed domains shows they are for criminal Russian fraud sites. Criminal evidence links ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Examples Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** Before you entrust your credit card to these Russian criminals, read the evidence and decide whether the gamble is worth it. You can contact this crime sponsoring registrar by ***** with a copy to the RU CERT at *****
penislargefun.ru was found on September 5th, 2011 on the URIBL (URI based Blacklist service) for possible SPAM and/or Malware violations.
The domain penislargefun.ru, registered through NAUNET-REG-RIPN is listed on at least two SPAM blacklists as of today. This does not necessarily indicate that they are guilty of sending SPAM, merely that the server that their IP address is associated to was confirmed by at least 2 sources to be a gateway for SPAM. This leads us to recommend caution on this server as it is possible that if it is compromised for SPAM, other data could be compromised.
Redirecting domain for rogue 'enhancement'-site 'MaxPro'. Usually a fake 'news' site is used, which has the sole purpose of trying to convince potential victims that THIS scam is NOT a scam. Spam is often sent through spambots. ***** was created on ***** at Registrar "NAUNET-REG-RIPN", and is currently also listed at SpamhausDBL and SURBL. http://www.urlvoid.com/scan/penislargefun.ru *****
In penis enlargers actually worked they would be sold in shops near you. The fact that they get spammed out through a hacked computer and then have their web site located in Romania/Ukraine/Russia/etc should tell you all you need to know. NEVER trust a spammer NEVER buy from spammers (high risk of fraud) NEVER visit spammed web sites (hight risk of malware)
(on Aug. 19th 2011) This domain is held by Russian/Ukrainian cyber-criminal spammers, hosted on ***** (http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/o2.cz) or iol.cz(http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/iol.cz), listed on SBL114068("Spammer hosting (escalation)" (Range:
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