Безопасен ли porn-w.org?

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Porn site - NOT for children. Risks: tracking, spam, fraud, identity theft, malicious downloads. Do not provide any financial or personal data.
porn-w.org is a porn site. NOT for children! Contains sexually-explicit material.
This website is not suitable for children.
Adult content. Not suitable for children.
Adult content, contains sexually-explicit material. NOT for children.
porn-w.org is not intended for children
the church of porn
porn-w.org was spammed like crazy on June 18, 2011 The registrar is ENOM, but when informed of their problem, you get the tired old fob-off - "we are only the registrar - complain to the hosting ISP." as if that exonerated them from assisting criminals.. You can see many samples like this at the ENOM spammed domains blacklist published publicly at ***** - when you compare ENOM with other registrars they show the worst record for support of high volume spamming. Loading porn-w.org you see a harmless looking news feed site. That's part of the scam. But when spammed they contain a longer URL to reveal the actual target site. What reputable merchant obscures their true operation? You can see examples well documented at ***** ENOM is sponsoring this illegal spamming domain operation, and accepts payments for the unlawful domain name registrations. Wher Go Daddy shows corporate responsibility, ENOM shows corporate irresponsibility. And toothless ICANN accredits them, while pocketing the accreditation fees. Do you smell the stench of corruption?
URL appeared in SPAM email.
As already stated by Mark Giles, this adult porn forum is the victim of a reputation attack. This means that lots of spams are sent with a FAKE advertisement for this porn-forum. However, the headers of those spams show that they do NOT originate from porn-w.org. This reputation attack started AFTER this spammer first has tried to take the domain down with unsuccessful DDOS-attacks. Because the registrar of the domain did not shut it down (recognizing the DDOS-attacks and reputation attacks) and also the score at WOT and SiteAdvisor did not become very bad, the content of the fake spams changed. The neutral way the site was ‘advertised’ in the first spams changed, and we now see very gross content ‘advertised’. Please think about this: an adult domain that exists since the end of 2007, has –until now- a clean sheet, does not have any pictures on the homepage, which also has no vulgar language (apart from the words porn and sex), is not likely to suddenly start spamming. And no adult domain would ever advertise with text like ‘sex with minors’. That would be suicide, as authorities would promptly shut the domain down. Don’t be fooled by this criminal spammer who has access to the Waledac spambot* to commit DDOS-attacks and this massive damage-spam attack. * The spam I received yesterday was (again) sent by the Waledac: ***** .
spammed email was offering illegal child porn Child porn site reported to authorities.
Just getting hundreds of spams with messages like THIS: "We would like to welcome you to one of the leading free porn forums out there, the famous www.porn-w.org. Our forum is a great community filled with all sorts of free porn you wish. Browse our sections, chat with likeminded new friends and never pay for porn again. We have pictured and videos from every porn studio and website in the world. What we also have is a closed section where our clients can access special interest porn videos and pictures, such as zoophilia, violent sexual abuse of women, sex with minors, scat and more. ***** , register now." WHY this site has a green rating when it contains rape and child porn, um, I don't know...
Well, no problems, despite the fact that it's a porn site >:D
This site has been the victim of a "Joe job" spamming campaign, but a cursory investigation didn't show any problems.
Meine Adresse für den Newsletter ist geklaut und abbestellen kann man das Ding nicht!
Adult content porn site, subjected to a Joe-ojb campaign in May/June 2011 in a reputation attack.
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