Безопасен ли uaf.org.uk?

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Extreme far left website. Anti-white racist propaganda that attempts to promote the mass population replacement of white Europeans and only white Europeans. They also make attempts at trying to ascertain the identity of those they disagree with for the purposes of harassment.
They don't seem to understand what fascism is. It can apply to both left and right wing and UAF are an example of totalitarianism and their protest like the EDL often end in violence. This far-left group has selective tolerances, Tolerates radical islam but they do not tolerate anyone else and their actions speak more than words with a utter disregard for the future, safety and rights of citizens, including immigrants to live peacefully as law abiding citizen in this democratic country. Often tosses the word racist around as a means to end an argument to claim victory. They can call the BNP racist, but the EDL is in NO WAY A white only group.
Safe site that exposes and confronts racist elements in UK society. Safe for children.
fascists, racists and bigots, This is like a cult and and if they was to be taken seriously they would be dangerous
Racist hateful views, they promote violence against people with different views to them, They cause fights if you do not see things the way they wont you too,
wow the sweeping statements made on this site are the exact thing they claim to be fighting against ??( tarring all members of one group with the same brush which is EXACTLY what they are telling everyone NOT to do )
Hateful, racist and totally fascist waste of server space. Website operated by anarchists, hooligans, anti-government thugs, drug abusers and benefit scroungers who want to see islam dominate the UK. Website goes under the pretence of being anti-fascist yet they want to silence and oppress their opposition, which is fascism. Members are communists and socialists (modern day nazis) with an intense hatred of Jews and Israel. UAF want concentration camps for Conservatives and right-wing groups.
Site of Unite Against Fascism, a group opposing far-right extremist groups like the BNP and EDL.
Claim to be anti-fascist but are the true fascists. Hates anyone that doesn't share there view.
just a bunch communists posing as anti- fascist
Bunch of trouble making hypocrites
far left thugs anti democratic
its the thug uaf who are the real fascists
to anyone who has commented on the BNP site as being a messiah, yes, this site is being run by illegitimate, thugs, who plan on mutineering your country, and their aim is to spread hate. to anyone sensible: this site is, a political site, but one that shows restraint, and perhaps is one of the great websites which fights right wing extremism, AND THIS IS NOT A COMMUNIST WEBSITE. that is what left wing is, along with other things, such as taoism and marxism.
anti white racist thugs
Divisive knobheads.
Good source of information as to how to deter the rise of the far right. UAF has prominent members such as the leaders of all 3 main political parties. and many, many celebrities Far from a "bunch of far-left thugs".
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