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(Data format)
m (tyop)
Line 57: Line 57:
       <span style="color: green;">''&lt;!--  time: last changed ([http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 ISO 8601] time) --&gt;''</span>  
       <span style="color: green;">''&lt;!--  time: last changed ([http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 ISO 8601] time) --&gt;''</span>  
       <'''comment''' category="<span style="color: blue;">9</span>" time=time="<span style="color: blue;">2008-04-23 16:37:48+00</span>">
       <'''comment''' category="<span style="color: blue;">9</span>" time="<span style="color: blue;">2008-04-23 16:37:48+00</span>">
         <span style="color: green;">''&lt;!-- comment text is always in a CDATA element --&gt;''</span>  
         <span style="color: green;">''&lt;!-- comment text is always in a CDATA element --&gt;''</span>  
         <!CDATA[<span style="color: blue;">Comment text.</span>]]>
         <!CDATA[<span style="color: blue;">Comment text.</span>]]>

Revision as of 16:34, 15 September 2009

Downloading ratings and comments

You can export your own ratings and comments on the "My ratings" tab in your profile. The data is updated once a day and the date of last update is shown next to the "Download" button.

Data format

The data is in an XML format. If the export file is larger than 1 kiB, it's compressed to a ZIP file. Here's an annotated example:

 <!-- character encoding is always UTF-8 -->
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!-- wot: the root element -->
 <!--   uid: your account id (integer) -->
 <wot uid="1">
   <!-- target: one element for each rated or commented target -->  
   <!--   name: target name (host name, IP address), IDN are converted according to RFC 3490 (string) -->
   <target name="example.com">
     <!-- rating: contains rating components (optional) -->
     <!--   time: last changed (ISO 8601 time) -->
     <rating time="2006-09-26 19:16:47+00">
       <!-- component: one for each rated component (unrated components not included) -->
       <!--   name: component id (integer ∊ [0, 100]) -->
       <!--     0 = Trustworthiness -->
       <!--     1 = Vendor reliability -->
       <!--     2 = Privacy -->
       <!--     4 = Child safety -->
       <!--   rating: rating value (integer) -->
       <component name="0" rating="90"/>
       <component name="4" rating="90"/>
     <!-- comment: one for each comment (optional) -->
     <!--   category: comment category (integer) -->
     <!--      4 = • Useful, informative -->
     <!--      5 = • Entertaining -->
     <!--      6 = • Good customer experience -->
     <!--      7 = • Child friendly -->
     <!--     21 = • Good site -->
     <!--      8 =  Spam -->
     <!--      9 =  Annoying ads or popups -->
     <!--     10 =  Bad customer experience -->
     <!--     11 =  Phishing or other scams -->
     <!--     12 =  Malicious content, viruses -->
     <!--     13 =  Browser exploit -->
     <!--     14 =  Spyware or adware -->
     <!--     15 =  Adult content -->
     <!--     16 =  Hateful, violent or illegal content -->
     <!--     22 =  Ethical issues -->
     <!--     18 =  Useless -->
     <!--     19 =  Other -->
     <!--   time: last changed (ISO 8601 time) --> 
     <comment category="9" time="2008-04-23 16:37:48+00">
       <!-- comment text is always in a CDATA element --> 
       <!CDATA[Comment text.]]>
     <!-- ... more comment elements ... -->
   <!-- ... more target elements for each rated or commented host ... -->

Processing large export files

Many text editors or XML parsers try to load the entire file into memory, which causes problems for larger export files. You can split the XML file into smaller chunks using this Perl script (or any other XML splitter). For example, to split the file into chunks each containing at most 10000 targets, run the command perl splitwot.pl export.xml 10000. If you are using Windows, try ActivePerl.