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AICN has it's critics, but you can't knock their enthusiasm, and while they might not always be the first, at least they've got style!
This is a very entertaining site on the movies by a group of movie geeks with very lively discussion boards. It is a very safe site to visit there is no need to worry about getting a viruses, spam, or spy ware when you visit this site. A word to the wise parent though, while this site is safe for anybody from about the ages of 13 and up it is rather inappropriate for anyone under that age, unless they are mature, as the language on the site does tend to get very PG-13 rated and up. It's not necessarily something that children need to be protected from as the language on the site is used mostly in the way to show a passion the reviewers have about a movie. And it's nothing that no 13 isn't at least going to read about or hear sometime in their lives. So proceed with caution if you have kids and use the site as a learning tool to maybe talk about the usage of language. Overall it is a very good site.
Lots of silly rude people who cuss for no reason. I would not let my kid come to this web site. If they stopped pretending to be cool and stop the unnecessary cussing, the site would actually be better!
great site. lots of entertainment news
Plenty of profanity and sexual content (talking about sexual content).
Lots of foul, vulgar language, so not appropriate for kids.
Good site for entertainment news. A little subjective at times, but still good material. Very little ads and steady updating.
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