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This site is used in a recent gig of "You've got to see this!" series of photos. You keep clicking the next button as it very slowly spoonfeeds you what you came for. Maybe cats caught in the act or a marvelous abandoned building. Once you hit the last page you might not notice that the redirect address of that "next" button hijacks you and takes you off to somewhere that isn't "next". You're taken to a hot topics page to repeat the cycle and maybe repost the link. The whole site lives off of every page you see on every article or series. That final click sends you back to find another article and repeat the cycle, or maybe share the link so the clicks intensify and get the site paid more. Very underhanded way of getting money rather than putting all that content out up front. It just pulls you along like a fishing line. These images are also just pulled off of tag searches done from google. The source button leads you to websites from left to right and have no relation to the collection of photos. You could probably get all these photos by doing a simple image search on any engine and get taken to the source website directly. Pretty much this site takes all those search results, bundles them up on imgur, and makes a click-tracking website that lives off social media reposts. As I have advertisements blocked by addons I can't comment on what banners might be doing.
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