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These people are looking to get you to buy into their program for $97. The information they provide is ok, but it is nothing that you can not find on your own. The problem is that they want you to call your “coach” to help you get started on the right foot and to see if you “qualify” for advanced techniques. When I tried to ask my “coach” specific questions about the program he would quickly say “I am just a qualifier you can call customer service later” – that was the first red flag. So the guy said that he registered me and that I could continue with the on-line training. After that call I researched the company and it turns out that they scammed many people out of thousands of dollars with the promise that they would be provided with special information and guidance that would get them making much more money. Realizing my mistake I emailed them demanding a refund. A lot of people were unable to get the $97 refund but I did by saying this “ I am requesting a full refund for your product upon discovering that your company is practicing deceitful tactics to scam people out of their money. I do not have any credit cards ( this is important because they want to know if you have full control over a credit card) and I am unemployed and have nothing better to do than report you to the TEXAS bbb and make noise on social media sites. If I do not receive a full refund by Friday I will do as I promised! The next afternoon the $97 was in my account. Remember that they are only interested in you if you have access to a lot of money. Good luck
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