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The BTP are full of **it. Their website is full of propaganda stories about criminals they have caught. Whilst low on hard facts - like the real sentences (very SHORT prison terms) that violent robbers, for example, get. Since sentencing isn't up the police, why on earth do the police need to spin these stories? Why not tell the truth, which is the first step in improving that truth? If you really care about fighting crime, that's the first thing you do, NOT the last. They also abuse people via unreliable sniffer dog searches that in any unbiased study show a 70% FAILURE rate. Harassing people via searching them and detaining them for 30 minutes perhaps, is unlawful - and the law says there must be a 'reasonable articulable suspicion'. Meaning before a judge, the justification for the search must appear reasonable. Would relying on only a 30% probability of someone having (the mere smell of) drugs on their person be counted as 'reasonable'? NO WAY! Thus they break the law every time they use these dogs. If they were searching for bombs or genuine criminals, it would be more justifiable, but they don't. It's just a way to harass people, paid for by you and me - and taking police resources away from genuine police work. They know it, too, but ignorance is inherent to the job in the BTP and Metropolitan Police. Which is a shame, as it makes the honest and decent police work look worse. So it's a lose/lose paradigm. Who sets these orders in motion, who controls this and manages this aspect of the police? Who's the real enemy here? Know your enemy! ACPO ignores government orders to remove innocent people's DNA from their database, blatantly acting outside the law because it can (just like a master criminal, right?), Masonic influence and ACPO being a private company is real. So ask yourself, who this all serves, as it objectively isn't you or me, as detailed above. Then ask yourself why visitors to the BTP website are geo-located without any reason to run geo-location scripts (just by viewing the site, not interacting with it in any way that would require geolocation, mind-you). BIG BROTHER. None of what I mention is delusion, it is verifiable if you care to look. Peace be with you. (no justice; no peace).
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