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РОССИЯ | ENGLISH R01 широко злоупотребляли Российской EvaPharmacy мошеннической операции. R01 игнорирует все просьбы приостановить незаконные доменов. Домены только приостанавливается на срок годности. Другие регистраторы были быстры, чтобы расторгнуть договоры на обслуживание с эти кибер-преступники, видя очевидные факты фальсификаций. Не дать этим кибер-преступников вашу личность или кредитную карту. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ENGLISH R01 is widely abused by the Russian EvaPharmacy scam. R01 ignores all requests to suspend illegal domains. Domains are only suspended at expiry date. Other registrars were quick to terminate contracts for service with these cyber criminals, seeing the obvious eVidence of fraud. Russian registrar ***** supports Russian cyber-criminals. Do not give these cyber-criminals your identity or credit card. Read about this fraud at the links
Нелегальная торговля лекарствами #IllegalPharmacy #НелегальнаяАптека
WHERE to start explaining these sleazy scam sites and the criminals you would be dealing with . . . Spamming FAKE/SCAM pharmacies to rip you off! (Fake pharmacies with fake addresses/certificates waiting to SCAM YOU!) These scammers spam all these garbage brands and MANY more! ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Look up the spam brand here: ***** Even More Info: ***** - EvaPharmacy (The worst of the worst criminal spam/scam groups) ***** (how to tell if the certification is real) ***** (check for rogue/fake pharmacies) FINAL ANALYSIS: A horrible scam, spammed for years on many 1000's of domains. (sometimes spammers change content/look, but its still a criminal scam site)
This site claims to sell prescription medication from Canada. It is a scam. See the thread about this domain and other participating in this scam on the WOT forums here- *****
Canadian Health & Care Mall scam Re: *****
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