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Nach Registrierung auf der Seite als Publisher bekomme ich tonnenweise Spam Mails (Viagra, Geschlächtsverlängerungspillen usw.) von denen zugeschickt. Ich würde übrigens als Publisher abgelehnt, vielleicht denken die sich dann ja auch dass man abgelehnte Webmaster auch noch zu 'etwas' benutzen kann und verkaufen dreist einfach mal deren E-Mail Adressen an Werbende.
Like Clickbooth and Clickbank, another "affiliate marketer" servicing all manner of low-life spammers and scammers.
Matomy is an Ad Network so obviously if they use ***** tracking links then their entire domain would be of bad reputation. But if you just visit ***** in order to get info on their activities - their website is harmless...
I wish I were joking about the big list of reasons. But I am not. This is one of the worst websites I've ever had the luck(?) to browse. They host offers which are 99% a scam. You do.. say.. about 100 offers. They will reward you only about 1 ~ 3. If at all. The offers are AWFUL. Either sign up for the Neverending Story: Email Spam Version. Or download a malware nuke. Seriously I used a sandbox to download those things.. Even looking at what it did through the sandbox made me fear for my computer. There are a good number of popups on a lot of the websites they link too. Although nowadays browsers effectively block a lot of them You will still find that some of them pass through. I didn't input any of my real information on any of the offers. But judging by those that did.. It is not pretty! I did personally find what can be classified as adult content in one of these offers. I am doing these offers through Adventure Quest. So a warning to parents that have kids that play these games. If they want to get Dragon Coins through these offers it is better that you do it for them. I've also contacted their support on as to why 99% of these offers wouldn't give me anything. And I was suspended.. No warning at all. Honestly I could add a lot more.. I spent an afternoon doing these offers and half way through I went to my kitchen to get a drink and thought.. ''I'd be better off just getting a job''.. No kidding!
Being plagued by adware producing popups with URLs starting with, most of them trying to make me install a "necessary" "Media Player", I searched for the registrant of It is Matomy Media Group. (see ***** If you want a better rating you should consider practicing more legitimate or even legal kinds of advertising - and tell me and others how to get rid of the dirt you've left on people's computers.
(to the owner of the site) if you want better reputation, do nit give peoples personal info to random 3rd party sites, it makes them(including me) feel insecure, and therefore give a bad rating... just sayin', if y'all want a better rating, do not give away peoples personal info hope this helps y'all :D
it says in the privacy policy " We may share your information with various third party vendors that are not part of the Company." how is THAT privacy? no GOOD company will give your personal info to third party vendors that are not associated with them...
I've had a good experience on the whole. Some of the "install a program" tasks haven't gone through, but the vast majority are credited within about five minutes. I particularly recommend the videos - the pay's not good but they usually seem to have a nice selection in there. I've no idea why the reputation of this site is so bad - perhaps one offer not crediting out of the 60 or so I've done so far would be enough for most people to rate the site as totally untrustworthy?
Ne rien télécharger sur ce site et les autres ! Nombreux adware, spyware, virus....
looks like a professional site
Reply from matomy.com12 years ago
Hi Jimalaya Thanks for your good feedback. We are currently trying to raise the reputation of our other sites on WOT and would greatly appreciate your words of support for:,, If you have 5 minutes, we would appreciate it! Thanks Daneka
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