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This site presents a phony poll to gauge respondents views on gun control and captures email addresses. Even though I agree with the conservative views presented by this site, I have to flag it because their methods are highly suspicious.
This website is clearly conservative-leaning and pro-Republican to the point that is cites misinformation and misattributed quotes to Barack Obama and employs scare tactics to try and force their agenda. One such example is their recent "political poll" to determine if the GOP should fight Obama on gun control. Here is the link: The first red flag is the fact that it quotes Barack Obama as stating "I don't believe people should be able to own guns," a misattrubited quote that he never said and was reported during an unconfirmed conversation from a known right-wing supporter. I overlooked this and voted anyway. No matter whether you vote "yes" or "no" on the "poll" (I voted "No"), it will not bring you to the poll results. In fact, there are none. It brings you to this bullshit propaganda video intended to scare people into fearing liberals, buying guns, and beating their chests because they're "proud to be a 'Murrican!" Here is the link: Worst of all, when you try to leave the site, it will redirect you to "exit1.php," which is just an advertisement pushing their "Family Survival System" with a $10 discount. If you try to leave again, "exit2.php" will come up offering a $20 discount. This discredits the site further and only lends further proof that it is a money-grabbing, politically charged sham intended to milk money off the fears of the ignorant and gullible. When you try to leave a THIRD time, it will simply redirect you to the following site, which is an order form for the Family Survival System, as if the first three "No's" weren't enough. Here is the link: ***** Overall, this website is a sham and a bullshit excuse for a "libertarian-leaning website dedicated to helping America move closer to it’s core constitutional principles of freedom and liberty," as the "About Us" so deceivingly states. Plastered all over this site are incentives to purchase that damned "Family Security & Freedom System." The recent posts are filled with biased propaganda seeking to scare people even further. Overall, this website is a disgrace to human politics and the people behind it are shameless cons seeking to milk your fears for funding.
It's good for information. Most any video warns about subject matter so parents care make the best decision.
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