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Всего лишь способ защитить свои персональные данные от мошенников. А wot, как всегда, обосрался.
Tried contacting a contact-blocked domain to inform them that one of the links on their website is now defunct, and leads to a malware filled site as of today, but upon trying to send the domain owner this warning via privacyprotect, I got an error message (so my warning fell on deaf ears, as my info did not go through) and a WOT warning that privacyprotect itself is a suspicious site. Now they have my information for free, and I didn't even get to report the malicious link to the domain owner.
Au début j'avais mal noté le site car c'est vrai que beaucoup de spammeurs utilisent leurs services. Mais en fait, le site en lui même propose juste un service d’anonymisation du whois, ce qui peut s’avérer indispensable dans beaucoup de situations légitimes .
cutout operator for phishing and similar email based scams.
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** A plague ! Professional spammer, one of the biggest polluter of web with risky links included ! Registrant : ***** ! Hypocrites !!! "
Hébergement anonyme de nombreux sites d'envoi de spams. Rien n'est fait par cet hébergeur pour arrêter ces pratiques malgré de nombreux signalements.
***** , ***** , ***** , ***** etc...................... Again a f*cking French spammer polluter website of sh*t, apparently, a country full of corrupt, spammers, stammer theoretical laws giving rights to opt-in (because corrupt) and insecurity. Apparently this is the feast of site creations including fake sites for spam, scams, advertising to sell us their crap and pollute the planet with electric resources wasted! F*cking capitalism! F*ck OVH and other spamer's hosts! And address of sh*t again! One day, the number of Internet domains used for SPAM extensively exceed the number of useful internet domains, like the number of SPAM received which represents 90% of e-mails that are received in the world! The capitalists are real r*tten! Proof here: ***** /!\ A VERY IMPORTANT TIP /!\ : DON'T CLICK ON ANYLINK IN A SPAM, INCLUDING THE UNSUSCRIBE LINK, BECAUSE YOU WOULD CONFIRM THAT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IS VALID, TO BETTER SPAMMING YOU, this r*ttenness is very contagious with illegal resale data, unofficially legal in corrupt countries, including France! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Encore un p*tain de site Français spammeur pollueur de m*rde, apparemment un pays bourré de corrompus, spammeurs, de lois passoires donnant des droits théoriques d'opt-in (car corrompu) et d'insécurité. Apparemment c'est la fête des créations de site y compris des faux sites pour du spam, des arnaques, de la publicité pour nous vendre leur merde et polluer la planète avec des ressources électriques gaspillés! P*tain de capitalisme! P*tain d'OVH et d'autres hébergeurs de spams! Et une adresse de m*rde de plus! Un jour, le nombres de domaines internet servant à du SPAM dépassera largement le nombre de domaines internet utiles, à l'instar du nombre de SPAM reçus qui représente 90% des e-mails qui sont reçus dans le monde! Les capitalistes sont de véritables p*urris! La preuve ici: ***** /!\ UN CONSEIL TRÈS IMPORTANT /!\ : NE CLIQUEZ JAMAIS SUR N'IMPORTE QUEL LIENS DANS UN SPAM, Y COMPRIS LE LIEN DE DÉSABONNEMENT, VOUS NE FERAIS QUE CONFIRMER QUE VOTRE ADRESSE E-MAIL EST VALIDE, POUR MIEUX VOUS SPAMMER, cette p*urriture est très contagieuse avec la revente illégale des données, officieusement légale dans des pays corrompus, incluant la France! "
This company's service, in my experience, hides the identity of thousands of SPAMMERS. I, personally, have reported at least eighty SPAMMERs to them and not one single time have they taken action. They claim that they will take action on subsequent complaints but, even when I have supplied multiple instances of SPAM from a domain they protect over the course of a year or two, they take no action. This company is clearly either unethical, ineffective, inefficient or just plain "in bed" with the criminal SPAMMERs.
The website offers privacy protect service which helps domain owners to block their personal address, email and telephone number from spammers / scammers. People are protective about their safety and they are entitled to protect their details. If anyone is misusing the services to hide their spammy or scammy domain then there is an option to report it and get the privacy services removed.
Obviously protecting "the wrong side of the web" as commented earlier. Along with the other "whoisprotect" "services"...
privacy site used by criminals to blur their identity
The registrar of is PDR Ltd / Public Domain Registry. (the registrar of is PDR Ltd / Public Domain Registry) ***** (the ***** record)
Owns domain ***** which is heavily spammed on facebook. *****
On trying to contact a site owner / admin regards malware, the contact was protected by After emailing they reply advising to fill in an online form which just errors on completion advising that this site is not protected by them.
Support racist sites. Поддерживает страницы расистов.
I believe this website is really helpful if you don't want anyone to know your identity simply by making a search. Of course some people like to abuse the service, but the initial propose is nice and there is nothing wrong.
Provides protection for scammers registering web sites Приват регистрация доменов помогает разного рода мошенникам уйти от ответственности. Подобная практика должна быть отменена в принципе. Честным людям незачем скрываться за чьей-то спиной.
Protects spammers, scammers, and other miscreants.
Прикрывает киберпреступность и мошенников
I'm happy about being protected and I'm not scammer.
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