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malicious domains hitting spamtraps jss list
People like to say that this site broke a US regulation, but so what? The drug companies write the regulations, and the whole system is rigged to take the most possible money from your pocket. US healthcare costs are double that of the next most pricy country, and nevertheless health statistics are worse in the US than much of the developed world. All i can say is this: you buy the product; they ship it to you. The cost is low. If you want to pay the tax of playing the game of the pharmaceutical profiteers, go ahead!
Helpful appears to be out of compliance with state and federal laws or NABP patient safety and pharmacy practice standards. Ordering drugs from puts you and your family at RISK! NABP has reviewed nearly 7,000 sites and found 96% of those sites to be out of compliance. NABP recommends that patients use sites accredited through the VIPPS program when purchasing drugs online. ***** Not all valid online pharmacies are members of VIPPS, due to the high cost of membership fees, so an alternative would be to check the site on ***** is blacklisted at: ***** DNS:
Spammed my blog :(
I'm looking for a good place to buy generic drugs online, specifically ED drugs like viagra and cialis. So far, all the sites I've tried have had negative WOT reviews. However, many of the reviews seem generic or off-base, basing their negative reaction on the mere fact of sale of prescription drugs without prescription, or unlicensed generic drugs. Many reviews seem to simply automatically rate a site negatively if it sells unlicensed drugs. That's not useful. A useful review needs to be based on facts, not hunches or moral condemnation. Someone looking to buy unlicensed drugs needs to know which sites that do so are trustworthy. They don't need the knee jerk negative reactions of people who've never used the site. So here's my simple question. Which sites illegally selling unlicensed drugs without a prescription are reliable? Which ones actually ship what they promise in a timely manner?
situs mengandung pornografi. tidak baik untuk anak-anak
Ini situs khusus untuk orang dewasa. Tabahkan imanmu, nak
Fake Pharmacy. Fake Pharmacy’s can be reported to *****
Site is NOT RECOMMENDED by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®). Site appears to be an internet drug outlet out of compliance with applicable laws or NABP patient safety and pharmacy practice standards. NABP is an independent international association established in 1904 that helps its member boards to develop, implement, and enforce uniform standards to protect public health. Members include boards of pharmacy in the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. *****
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