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not a Microsoft Partner Program, no background to legitimate this, beware of this hard to remove program
The first problem seems to be that the 'Free' trial is actually a very aggressive sales tool. Malicious in that it is very misleading about the risks to your computer, and difficult to remove. (too bad it is funding 'NoScript'.) The previous endorsements of the paid product might be valid and supported by a pound-foolish corporate policy (effectively discouraging any sensible person who tries the trial), or just intentionally deceitful shill postings.
A 100% legit site! I've been using their products for years, and I've always found them very useful. They also have a great support team ready to help when needed. If anyone has any doubts about it, just speak to them, they're very friendly.
Never had any issues when accessing this site or purchasing any of their products.
I've been using Uniblue's products for a number of years, specifically PC Mechanic which I've found particularly helpful when it comes to optimizing my PC startup time and displaying a detailed list of junk files and cleaning them. Keep it up Uniblue!
This website is safe. I used several applications from this website and I found their utilities very useful.
I downloaded their software years ago, and recently purchased their Powersuite. Works well for me so can't complain.
Software has a free trial version which identifies problems on your computer.
Clean site, easy to navigate and easy to download and try out the software.
This website is great! It has a range of different tools from boosting performance, to privacy and security protection to photo recovery, it even has a software solution for Mac. This site really covers the a-z of computer solutions. I have Powersuite and Privacy Keeper, I'm pretty happy with them. Installation was easy and using the program is very user-friendly. Site wise the design is clean looking, with plenty of information. It really goes into detail about each product, it's got guides too, which makes things very clear.
arnaque !logiciel dangereux !ne pas faire confiance à ce site !
Это элементарные вымогатели.То, что они предлагают за деньги сделает бесплатно любая аналогичная программа и более качественно!
N'allez pas sur ce site c'est un FAKE !
The site is just another one that offers fake registry cleaners which do a scan and ALWAYS find errors even if the computer is BRAND NEW and then offers you to fix them by paying them and the best part is they are in the comments replying to all the negative reviews trying to do damage control.
I found a link to this site. I'm actually very new to Windows, especially Windows 10, and I saw I could get a free scan. I was wary when it downloaded an exe file, which made me suspect a virus. I searched the web, and yes, it is very much a scam. Don't fall for it.
Auchtung Virus oder anderes Schädliches Programm beim Datei DownloadAvira Premium           WarnungDie URL, die Sie besuchen wollten, wurde als gefährliche Webseite eingestuft. Weitere Details finden Sie hier. Wenn Sie dieser Seite vertrauen, können Sie den gesperrten Zugriff aufheben.Angeforderte URL:         Malware
Achtung! Wenn Sie diese Seite angeklickt haben, ist ihr PC jetzt mit Werbung, Viren, und Trojanern infiziert!!! In allen Foren für Computerprobleme, werden Ahnungslose auf diese Site gelockt!! "Schau mal hier" bla bla bla Wieviele 1 EURO-Jobber haben die dafür angestellt? Lumpen!!!
Certificates... A) Are they genuinely certificated B) What does the certificate say? i)Symantec- online encryption and Daily website malware scanning ii) MS: AFAIR, merely that they work WITH Microsoft. They just have to buy them from the vendor. C) Certs. can also go nvalid, *check for validation*. Hotjar and fetchback trackers
Fake software utility. A shame that we can't shut this site down for good. I get tired of dealing with this garbage on employee computers. Check out the HPHosts link above. Misleading marketing tactics. Trust seal, huh? That link doesn't go anywhere.
Ce site alléchant car fournisseur gratuit de nettoyage de l'ordinateur, nest absolument pas fiable car il envoie des logiciels espions dans l'ordinateur afin de connaitre ce que vous faites avec l'ordinateur. Ne surout pas se fier aux propositions de ce site. Site dangeureux.
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