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Internet service provider. Low trust rating uncalled for. Not a scam, not a hacker hub.
Quant aux commentaires qui font état d'attaques ou de spam provenant de Vidéotron, c'est évidemment NORMAL puisque Vidéotron est un fournisseur d'accès à Internet ! Les attaques viennent de certains de leurs clients. L'entreprise n'est pas à blâmer ici.
Company has poor record dealing with union workers. But no spam that I'm aware of, certainly no child exploitation practices, certainly no ripping of client. Actually, this company has warned clients that illegal downloads might be signaled to authorities. Endorses contemporary market/capitalist values. Quebec's leading cellular/internet provider. Historically close to separatist Parti Québécois, so englo-Canadian bashing is expected. Very professional & visionary & avant-garde company in North America. Owns numerous newspaper in Quebec, Canada, USA, and Europe. Still, predatory style conflict non-resolution handling with union workers haunts them... unfortunately. Now this has much more to do with politics than with malware... So on the level of malware, fishing, etc., this site has absolutely nothing -- ie nothing -- to do with it. This is an industry leading company. I hope WOT get their records straight. There's no reason --ie no reason -- why Videotron should not be on par with AT&T or Rogers in terms of WOT ratings.
Excellent site de commentaires et d'analyses de parties d'échecs. Je n'ai absolument pas plus de spam depuis que je l'utilise.
Nothing wrong with this website. Best internet provider in Quebec.
This is an ISP in Quebec. My friend uses this. I don't think he is aware of the negative rating. I will let him know to investigate further.
Hackers, based in Russia. Scum. They use the site ***** as a compromised reflector to send phishing emails to eBay users. Scum.
Appeared on a SPAM list; Attention please if you impart your mail addres you should be aware of spam-danger; so better use throw-away mail services or avoid such sites you don't trust. Often such sites contain porn, fraud, phish, malware or just annoying advertising of useless products.
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