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Thanks to Mrs Jane who helped me recover all my lost funds in forex and crypto trading including my profits, i was a big fool giving my hard earned money to greedy and scammed brokers, but am so happy i met Jane silva a honest woman who helped me recover all my lost funds, and she also gave me the right signal and platform to trade with, now am able to make $5000 weekly, and am very happy, that is why i cant stop testifying about her, if you are out there still experiencing failure trading in binary option, crypto and forex trading or you want to recover your lost funds trading in binary/ forex trade i will advice you to reach out to her via email on   janesilva0727 gmail com
Я вам скажу такое : Почитайте соглашение в начале.  Там указанно , что при осуществлении бинарного опциона ,при отсутствии средств , с вас будут потом сниматься проценты долго ,если опцион проиграл. Задумайтесь ,вы зарегистрировались ,прикрепили документы ,потом ваш аккаунт взломали ,и сделали ставку на опцион. И вы платите проценты не зная об этом. Это можно и подставить так. Возможно именно по этой причине на данном сайте нельзя удалить свой профиль, как на нормальных сайтах. Чтобы удалить звоните хрен знает куда  и отдайте кучу денег за звонок. Судите сами.
Infrastructure Anyoption payment services Ltd., Cyprus is using 3rd party sites as landing pages and forwarders for spam to havrested email addresses. Binary options are only for very high skilled persons in bianry and forex trading. You normally have a very high risk of loosing your money - whatever they tell in the spam mails. Forwarders: ***** *****
Betrug mit sogenannten Binären Optionen! Referenz: *****
Deutsche Version mit sinnlosen Sätzen.
Я не пойму.... те кто оставляет отрицательный отзыв, что движет ими? Обгадить сайт или так сейчас мочат конкурентов? не понравилось, прочитали чей-то отзыв - уходите, не мешайте другим, у которых все нормально....., а то как собака на сене....
This firm supports Spam Email which are send via their affiliates. We collect them now to bring a charge against them. Forward your Spam email to ***** Diese Firma unterstützt Spam Emails die via ihren Affiliates verschickt werden! Diese werden jetzt gesammelt um Strafanzeige zu erstatten. Leiten Sie alle Spam-Emails die Sie bekommen, an ***** weiter.
Owner appears to be using the wot forum for advertising purposes not just for rating request Write your comment
i don´t understand the rating. Here ar ethe only website to make fast money. Maybe you will lost your money but the stockmarket are not in couple with anyoption The win money was after 2day in my bankaccount cmc market = 1 Week ig markets = 4 - 5 days etoro = not possible to make money Who give you the possibility to make 70% every 30 min anyoption the art of trade are your own good or bad education/expierience nobody can write anyoptionn are wrong if the stock market are the reason.
A good site for binary option trading. I also had a good support from their staff.
Site con! PS : je n'ai pas trouvé meilleur commentaire
spammers of forums
wasnt going to comment...but for those saying this site is a scam,etc ARE YOU STUPID!!!...this is a TRADING website i deposited and withdrew $USD from SAFE and SECURE, they are binary options brokers, simliar to Forex Trading and STOCKS trading, stop giving BRILLIANT websites BAD NAMES...-_-
They are using the WOT's forum for advertising, many users that voted positively this site have just one rating and it's the rating of this site ... I wonder, why someone registers as "ilovemoney" or "binaryoptions" and then rates only THIS site ? Because those who review this site with these names are the same who created it!! For someone, on internet forums, they're scam, because they have don't payed nothing of the earnings of users. So please, stay away from that site for now, when I've got more information about that I will share them with you, soon as I can.
I have been using this website from almost 3 year and have traded through them many a times and I have never had any troubles dealing with it. They are very safe and offer best customer service I have experienced till date. Cheers! for anyoption
Malware site. *****
It is a refreshing experiencing every time I trade via The website is very user-friendly and trading is quite a fast and easy with Anyoption.
An excellent platform for trading. You will get all the information You need on the website. I have even checked website for virus and other loop holes but there are no such errors or pitfalls. It is clean website and is very safe and reliable to trade from.
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