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Subsidiary of spam host Different name, same scams.
ENCORE une belle ORDURE que ce ROBIN JOHN, qui POLLUE la Toile et la Planète par des POURRIELS incessants sur des listes VOLÉES on ne sait où ! Plainte déposée à l'encotre de cette SOUS MERDE pour application de la Loi Française de 750 € par POURRIEL émis... ANOTHER beautiful GARBAGE that this ROBIN JOHN, who POLLUTES the Web and the Planet by ceaseless SPAMS on STOLEN lists one does not know where! Complaint put down(deposited) in the encotre of this UNDER SHIT for French 750-€ law enforcement by emitted(uttered) SPAM... NOCH der schön ein SCHMUTZ, daß dieser ROBIN JOHN, der den Stoff(Gemälde) und den Planeten von unablässigem POURRIELS auf GESTOHLENEN Listen VERSCHMUTZT man, nicht kennt, wo! Klage, die im encotre dies UNTER SCHEIßE für Anwendung des französischen Gesetzes im Wert von 750 € von ausgestrahltem POURRIEL abgestellt ist... ДРУГОЙ красивый МУСОР что этот РОБИН ДЖОН, который ЗАГРЯЗНЯЕТ живопись (ткань) и Планету непрерывным SPAMS на УКРАДЕННЫХ списках один, не знает где! Жалоба, подавлявшаяся (депонированный) во все еще этого ПОД ДЕРЬМОМ для французских 750-€ правоохранительной деятельности SPAM испускала (произнесенный)....
Spammeurs Spammeurs Spammeurs Spammeurs Spammeurs
***** tdc de harceleurs ***** Et ça repart pour le harcèlement ces tdc font un concours du plus c*n avec fl interactive. ***** Harceleur au spam..................
SPAM VIA: "Laurence Gauthier" <> Le livret A est mort Vive le plan B ! OWNER: ***** , => ***** TS1503-FRNIC ; TECHCREA SOLUTIONS ; Valencanal - chemin du noir mouton ; 59300 Valenciennes ; FRANCE, secondary site: ***** , ... (This spam factory is associated with ~1,349 domains!!!!) HOSTED ON: OF COURSE ... OVH, THE BEST REGISTRAR OF GARBAGES FOR SAVAGE RENTABILITY, I LOVE FRANCE WITH IT'S CORRUPTED BULLSHITS!!!!! ***** ,, ***** , ... , host for other spammers like OVH : ***** , ***** ! SEE: ***** OVH ; Isp Option 1 ; 2 Rue Kellermann ; ROUBAIX ; FRANCE ! SPAM FOR: ***** (Suspicious site!) , ... TRAP LINKS: ***** , ***** (background pictures) , ... ====================================== Funny that an email address that I gave up and closed down (an estoppel was notified to senders who sent an email to this address), continues to be spammed, 8 months later, with reopening this email address (with a garbage account) to only observe if spammers abandon or not an address that has been closed for a time. I receive 6 SPAMs per day from the same sender, after a pause of one month after the reopening of this e-mail address that received, 8 months earlier, 20 SPAMs per days! It's either: A shop or other that uses SPAM to his promotion (adverts), even famous brands, deemed reliable, do the same now, I've seen public services in any country to use SPAM for their advancement (tourism, trade fairs, shows, festivals, etc..), there is only a small step for hospitals, police, governments, schools, ... will go do the same too. A disaster of modern times now affecting other means of mobile communications (smartphones, tablets, SMS, etc..). Or if it's either: An address used for SPAM, endless new addresses (even the wacky, with a letter changed, weird word, numbers, .......) are created permanently to bypass filters, updated constantly, that harassed and antispam services put to block this scourge! Apparently this is the feast of site creations including fake sites for spam, scams, to sell us (legally or illegally) their products or services, and pollute the planet with electric resources wasted, thank you also HOSTS complaisant with the SPAM and the world of profit! One day, the number of Internet domains used for SPAM extensively exceed the number of useful internet domains, like the number of SPAM received which represents 90% of e-mails that are received in the world! Proof here: /!\ A VERY IMPORTANT TIP /!\ : DON'T CLICK ON ANYLINK IN A SPAM, INCLUDING THE UNSUSCRIBE LINK, BECAUSE YOU WOULD CONFIRM THAT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IS VALID, TO BETTER SPAMMING YOU, SPAMS are very contagious with illegal resale data, unofficially legal in corrupt countries! REPORT DIRECTLY SUSPECTS E-MAIL, SMS OR CALL TO SERVICES PROVIDED FOR THIS PURPOSE THAT THE AUTHORITIES AND ASSOCIATIONS HAVE PUT IN PLACE TO COMBAT THIS PANDEMIC!
Vitesse upload incroyablement basse (impossible de dépasser 50ko/s) et la moyenne tourne autours de 40ko/s. Avec d'autres VPS testés, je tourne à 800ko/s en upload, soit 10 fois plus. Coté download, pas de souci. Je déconseille.
hébergement suppert j'adore fedex
Hébergeur très sérieux
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