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Республиканцы, совершенно бесполезны.
This organization is a major source of social, medical and political disinformation for the sake of political gain, not to mention is a source of a prolific spam campaign. This is the only American political group to openly promote hatred and violence as a legitimate political tool. See: ***** ***** GOP declares ***** violence at Capitol to be legitimate ***** Republicans vow to to kill domestic terrorism bill: ***** Guns over people *****
I keep getting spam messages from them, even after unsubscribing. Update 2022: Their spam campaigns have become much more aggressive.
republicans are evil and they want guns to kill people.
This persistent email spammer spreads blatant propaganda and pretends to represent the U.S. president and the Republican Party of the U.S. government, as well as signing spam messages on their behalf. If this president is indeed "wealthy enough that he cannot be bought," why should ***** need to beg for donations? Sending messages to "Bob" that are fondly addressed to exemplary supporter "Alice" is both reckless and deceptive: they neither know nor care about Alice, but they do know they are spamming and they don't care. Additional pretenses include raffling a free flight and dinner with the president for which a donation is both required and not required, surveys of presidential performance in which the only available responses are "spectacular" and "I don't understand the question" - "terrible" is not on the menu - and claiming a business address that actually belongs to political chameleon, an all-purpose campaign and accounting engine serving anyone with money to burn. Even if one ignores the propaganda and pretense, ***** and its 40+ spamming subdomains are clearly untrustworthy.
Sends SPAM using opt-out tactics. More of a "give us money" site than a "we will give you the truth" site. Their targeted marketing leaves much to be desired, since I have NEVER voted Republican't.
This is the official website of the US Republican Party. It is an important website, because this site communicates the official party position. However, the information is slanted and the surveys are not valid (in the sociologist sense - They ask leading questions and compound questions). An example of disreputable communication is to equate support for the "Keystone Pipeline" (to bring Oil from Canada into the US) as promoting Energy Independence and Jobs (it is still foreign oil and provides short-term jobs).
Obvious and massively dishonest push poll for the purpose of raking in cash.
This is the official website for the Grand Old Party (GOP), also known as the Republican party of the United States. It's safe, though many its claims are questionable or false. While I personally do not trust the site's claims or content, it poses no threat to your computer and is a trusted source of the official GOP platform.
Republican Party official website
Official website of the national Republican party.
Asks you to sign a petition and indicate your name and address. SPAM collector.
Official website of the Republican Party.
The ratings are biased. The site is safe and contains good content.
We need both the Repubs and the Dems and the Indeps. Every side must be heard - if we shut down free and open communication then we become like the very thing we fear. Check out all sides, so you can make an informed decision.
The worst of corporatism.
This website isn't even owned by the GOP, its by its members. This website is a basis for unreasonable attacks and is the root of many lies coming out.
Voter fraud against Ron Paul. Can not be trusted.
Official site of the US Republicans.
The official website of the GOP, who are also known as the Republicans, a conservative political party of the United States. This site expresses a conservative viewpoint. WoT users should abstain from using personal beliefs to rate websites.
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