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This domain has been listed in Joewein's Spam Domain blacklist. Refer: *****
letsdatetonight.net appears in Joe Wein Blacklist *****
Реклама сайта посредством email спама! / Spamvertised website! Покупая у подобных "контор" товары и услуги, вы оправдаете их грязные "методы рекламы". И, как результат, - завтра получите еще больше спама. / Buying from these "firms" products and services, you will justify their dirty "methods advertising". And as a result - tomorrow will get even more spam.
As per today letsdatetonight.net is detected as a spam sending domain or is misused as a spam server. Possibly dangerous to visit as the server/site could also be infected with malicious content or viruses.
MRT comment: Spammer listed with Joewein re: ***** DNS: http://www.robtex.com/dns/letsdatetonight.net.html
letsdatetonight.net is blacklisted by Joe Wein for sending spam
Oversee CEO and President Jeff Kupietzky, the replacement for Moniker's CEO Monte Cahn, needs to fix the abused service that he has inherited. Moniker gives spammers a safe haven when they register unlawful domains. Honeytrap reports expose his slack operation - 36% - 208 of 57 domains registered were spammed in the last 5 days. Too high a percentage of sites registered on Moniker are used by criminal spammers, and are detected. Between December 2009 and April 2010, Internet compliance firms LegitScript and KnujOn provided 16 domain name registrars with evidence that their services were being abused by rogue Internet pharmacies. The evidence included letters from pharmacy licensing boards stating that the pharmacy licenses displayed on the websites were forgeries and screen-shots showing that the websites were selling prescription drugs like OxyContin or Viagra without a prescription. According to the report, 11 of the registrars suspended services to the web sites, but 5 others, eNom (DemandMedia), UK2 Group, Moniker, CentroHost and Realtime Register, allowed some or all of the websites to continue using their paid services. The buck stops with the new CEO. Given that some orders contain lethal combinations of drugs, deaths could ensue, and then there will be all sorts of registrar toads scrambling for cover as the rocks are lifted.
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