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Official public website of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Trustworthy.
https://www.google.com/transparencyreport/safebrowsing/diagnostic/index.html#url=wisc.edu Google’s Safe Browsing Site Status Current status: Partially dangerous Some pages on wisc.edu contain harmful programs right now. Site Safety Details ***** Some pages on this website install malware on visitors' computers. ***** Attackers on this site might try to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience (for example, by changing your homepage or showing extra ads on sites you visit). ***** Some pages on this website send visitors to the following dangerous websites:, econdata.net, and gdegetumoyadyra.info. ========================= http://www.avgthreatlabs.com/us-en/website-safety-reports/domain/wisc.edu/ Here's your 30-day safety report for wisc.edu Last update: Mar 23, 2016 Malware Found: 1 Safety Rating: Caution Compromised Pages:8 List of Malware found on wisc.edu The top virus found on this site by the percentage of total detections it caused during the last 30 days. ***** Blackhat SEO 100 % *** Note: In addition, this website has SSLv3 support enabled and may be vulnerable to data leakage. *** SSLv3 support Summary This vulnerability relates to version 3 of an encryption technology known as SSL (Secure Socket Layer). When a browser connects to a webserver that supports this older technology there is a risk that if SSLv3 is the primary encryption or the connection security falls back from the newer TLS technology to SSLv3 then an attacker could potentially exploit this vulnerability. While it is unusual for websites to still be using SSLv3 as the default encryption technology, it is possible for an attacker to cause connection failures that force the server to default back to the older, insecure, technology. By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker could gain access to things like passwords and cookies, enabling him to access a user’s private account data on a website.
Great University! My Sister went there and once i visited a nice basketball match. :-)
#Наука, #Science.
This is the official University of Wisconsin-Madison website. All information on here can be trusted for the school.
good info for a top univesity
Gute seite und Informationen
Site of Wisconsin University.
Official site of University of Wisconsin-Madison. It is safe and informative.
Good information about one of the top universities.
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