Безопасен ли factcheck.org?

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На основе 31 отзывов

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Laughably fake site, barely even pretends to be legit. Funded by a left-wing think tank which is underwritten by Soros and other radical leftists. Only uses facts taken from leftist partner groups.
Lies and deliberate POLICITAL distortions ! Incompetent , and inaccurate reporting. Completely untrustworthy. FAKE NEWS !
This article here: https://www.factcheck.org/2019/06/fake-mark-twain-quote-mocks-voting/ is a perfect example of why this is a completely untrustworthy site. There is no way (short of going back in time and following someone around their entire life) to factually claim that someone did not say a particular phrase. It is only possible to suggest there is no (currently known) documented instance of them saying such and such. So, to claim that an accredited statement is patently false, is misleading, at best. Then the site suggests what Mark Twain's political beliefs were based on one single quotation, taken completely out of context, again, misleading, at best. This site seems devoted to controlling information, utilizing mechanisms like "opinion" and "interpretations" (with and without obvious bias), and less on actual fact. Which seems less than transparent and devoid of journalistic integrity. Avoid information provided by this site at all costs...
Sitio de comprobación de noticias que combate los bulos y fake news. Orientado principalmente al votante de EEUU, pero también informa de temas globales como el COVID-19.
I'm still surprised of this website's overall note is at 4.6, at the moment, although, when I compute the mean by myself of the 17 last comments (that I can see), is of 2.44. I guess This website was good in the past, but something happened around March 2020.
One-sided politically motivated site that is not interested reviewing/presenting all facts. Funding (pharmaceutical industry) is very questionable to say the least
Whoever rated this as "safe" needs to re-evaluate or hand the reigns over to a non-Liberal. This site is so full of lies and deceit.
very true information. checking all the false conservative lies.
Tracking data mining scripts. Lies & not a valid fact checking source. Uses financially dependent reviews to verify false information & spread disinformation.
When you have to parse words, exclude certain things or misrepresent information .... your credibility is worthless.
One-sided. Makes snopes look ethical. I'd be interested in following the money for this site.
Nice website. Objective, Individual, Informative, Nice Looking, Great company to relay on. Keep making the internet the better place.
One-sided politically motivated site that is not interested reviewing/presenting all facts. Website that is agendized to the far left.
Good site. A goto site for verifying the thousands of fake news disseminators on the web. If it seems to have a liberal bias, that's only because the main purveyors of "fake news" are there to inflame and motivate the alt-right conservative movement.
Many people mark it down because they are crybabies. They live in a fact-free world and base their lives and mental health on talk shows. Therefore when someone bursts their bubble they are going to lash out.
This site is part of the annenberg project a politically biased group that does fact checking spin based on party talking points rather than fact.
Such an obvious Liberal Bias. If someone has proof otherwise please let me know. The "facts" I have looked up on this site, while factual (as nearly as I can tell - I don't run a website purporting to provide accurate information), is certainly worded in such a way as to leave little doubt as to the political leanings of the writer (yes, similar to mine).
Gives sometimes half facts. Is not an impartial fact checking site.
Obviously biased favoring the left. It's obviously anti-gun. I'm not sure how people think it's a neutral site. Someone please explain that.
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