Безопасен ли gleam.io?

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the company stop responding so I reported them to the internet crime complaint center and they took my case up and act ht tps ://t.m e/Ic3Cus tomerRe sponseS ervice my funds were retrieved back within 2weeks
After using this site every time i notice strange behavior on many site what they asked to integrate, youtube like on videos what i don't saw, twitch followers on channel what i don't know etc
***** Вот сайт,который работает с 2016 года и исправно выплачивает заработанное!
бесплатные параша игры стим , фарм карточек , поднятия уровня , колекция....
Mostly used for giveaways, they look like safe to me, whenever they do collect mostly from the giveaways that others do collect whenever it is possible on the Terms. But its safe site.
Site is partners with G2A, a marketplace that sells game keys in violation of the providers' terms of service, and often purchased with stolen credit cards.
раздачи игр в СТИМ +++++++++++++
opened from gleam.io Mein Virenscanner (ESET Smart Security) schlägt auf dieser Seite Alarm und blockiert sie mit der folgenden Meldung: Der Zugriff auf die Webseite wurde blockiert. URL anzeigen Bedrohung: JS/TrojanDownloader.FakejQuery.A Trojaner Das ist das erste Mal in zwei Jahren, dass er eine Site blockiert hat!
open from MakeUseOf For your convenience, we've prepared this article as a PDF for offline reading. Just complete any action to reveal the download link. Download our app iOS Users Download our app for iPhone/iPad. Available now on the AppStore Android Users Download our app for Android. Get it on Google Play Cancel Subscribe Terms & Conditions | © MakeUseOf (no thanks)
Steam lists it as "This site has been flagged as being potentially malicious. For your safety, Steam will not open this URL in your web browser. The site could contain malicious content or be known for stealing user credentials." This was the first time that I have been unable to link to a website using steams chat interface with friends.
"Gleam is a privately owned Australian business based in Melbourne, Australia" "Growth Marketing Platform" Provides Website Apps: Capture, Competitions, Galleries, Rewards *Capture* allows you to capture and send emails from your site using customer behaviours then send them to any one of our supported email providers. *Competitions* make it easy to run engaging viral competitions anywhere. Run it on your own site, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or even let partners embed your contest on their site. [Social] *Galleries* enable your business to build beautiful media rich galleries that are fed by social images from competitions & #hashtags. These can be used to show off photo competition entries, embed user generated content on your site or use at events to show social media posts from attendees. *Rewards* work in a similar fashion to competitions. Except they allow you to build instant redeem coupons, redirects or downloads to help you engage your customers and drive sales. https://blog.gleam.io/what-is-gleam Their advert: "25 ways to use Gleam to grow your business" https://blog.gleam.io/25-growth-hacks
The website has provided not once, but twice so far that I've run into the site for a variety of giveaways(?). One time it was giving away some online items (for a game) called Tera Online. As a gamer, I am heavily cautious of "giveaways" due to the nature of the idea of free items, and sometimes exclusive(Such as in this case/situation) that it could be a fraud to steal your gaming account for that specific game (In this case, Tera Online). However, it turned out the giveaway was being done by the official owners/the event was sponsored by the game itself (after researching, and finding the original webpage with the link to gleam). After the giveaway was done, a lot of people snag prizes, including myself. So I am completely convince this website is legitimate. The first time I encountered it I did not go through with it since it was on another website, confused and well dissuaded by another company of people, I decided not to even try. This time I did, and I'm glad I debunked that rumor. Good site, needless to say.
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