Безопасен ли hodges-directory.us?

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The site appears to be a reverse directory for cell numbers but seemed suspicious so I checked my number (which I've had for 15+ yrs).  It was listed under someone else's name in my home city. I checked several more numbers from my contacts in various cities and states (USA) and none were correct. All were associated with the wrong names but the correct city.  I searched but could not find any contact info for Hodges. The site does not have an "About us" page or provide a means for contacting them.  The home page "site map" displays "lorem ipsum" dummy text under links for searching by town and area code. I found no specific info on Hodges at the FTC, but did find several review sites where users considered it to be suspicious. For example:  hxxp://forum.mrmoneymustache.com/off-topic/hodges-phone-directory-garbage/ ScamAider states that the site is based in Montreal, located at Lat:45.504 Long:-73.5747 and has negative feedback. hxxp://www.scamaider.com/is-hodges-directory.us-safe-legal.html
Useless site, posts phony, random data for phone numbers.
The listings of addresses and phone numbers appear to be largely fictitious.
No idea what this site is about. If it's about phone numbers, it has to be one of the worst organized books that I've seen. Also, I now know the data is inaccurate. Rating accordingly.
My husband's name is on this website. He is the only person in the world with this name. It shows his name, with an address and a town that he has never been to, and a phone number that has never been his. Which I will have him call in a few minutes when he gets home. This is some kind of scam going on.
Site gives supposed names and locations for phone numbers, but the phone number I was looking up was listed as belonging to a person who does not live in that city, on a street that does not exist. Other reviewers in various forums also found this same thing.
Seems like it is phone book; however, it is unreliable phone source, probably collect by some sort of spider from the open internet sources.
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