Безопасен ли phpnuke.org?

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Safe collection of downloads. Well managed and organized website.
safe and easy to use webpage, like it
Ce website est très bonne. Merci :).
Nice website to download programs easily.
Este sitio puede dañar tu ordenador, ya que contiene virus, esta fue mi mala experiencia con esta página
snowshoe spammer hitting spamtraps [p]
________________ ***** Update The Illegal "warez" have been removed, but this site still hosts dangerous software and exposes users to malicious site d.delivery45.com, invasive site downloadadmin.com, and fake software vendors such as 7zip.tv. References: ***** - search for pf.phpnuke.org http://www.malwareblacklist.com/searchClearingHouse.php?search=pf.phpnuke.org http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=phpnuke.org ***** ________________ ***** Update The root domain phpnuke.org is safe to visit, but it offers downloads of illegal "warez" (pirate software) at its downloads.phpnuke.org subdomain. Do not use pirate software. You will not know if it is dangerous until it is too late. ________________ ***** Stay away! Malware distributor. References: http://urlvoid.com/scan/phpnuke.org/ http://hosts-file.net/?s=phpnuke.org Listed in ***** *****
Ответ от phpnuke.org11 лет назад
Thanks Myxt. We are doing all our best for removing any false positive report. Actually most of them are already solved and we hope to clean all of them in the next days. Please let us know if you need any further information. phpnuke.org team
It's my favourite site for downloading. I don't know why some people says it's dangerous, Norton always tell me that everything It's ok
If you are tired about toolbars when you are trying to download any program trial version, http://downloads.phpnuke.org is your site. You will download only original/native installers and directly, not through a download manager where you will be receiving unlimited bundled offers. In addition, phpnuke.org are secured and certified by Norton and Cyscom (C-sirt). Visit http://downloads.phpnuke.org and experience the only downloads website which care of you. http://downloads.phpnuke.org improves your Internet browsing experience.
Hosts and distributes malware on a scale I very rarely come across.
Ответ от phpnuke.org11 лет назад
Hi Canadian95, Please double check http://downloads.phpnuke.org. Our philosophy is to care of our users and improve their experience. There are not so much download websites where you can find safety and for free, any original installer that you may be looking for. I hope you enjoy downloading from http://downloads.phpnuke.org Thanks! phpnuke.org team
O primeiro CMS que apareceu no mercado e mesmo assim continua a ser bom, bastante estável e seguro.
Visiting this site might harm your system. It has been identified as a site that might spread malware or spam your computer. Please use caution when visiting this site.
Ответ от phpnuke.org11 лет назад
Hi Jeff, Please note that phpnuke.org is secured and certified by top-tier companies such as Norton and Cyscon. Here you are the certification links where you will see that it is completely safe to navigate and download on phpnuke.org: Norton: https://trustsealinfo.verisign.com/splash?form_file=fdf/splash.fdf&dn=www.phpnuke.org&lang=en Cyscon: http://cyscon.de/verify.php?key=downloads.phpnuke.org Do not hesitate to let us know if you need further information. phpnuke.org team
Ответ от phpnuke.org11 лет назад
Hi Itachi95, Please let us know where you found any issue. We are certified and secured by Norton and Cyscon, both are really well-known companies of our industry. See those seals on the following links: https://trustsealinfo.verisign.com/splash?form_file=fdf/splash.fdf&dn=www.phpnuke.org&lang=en http://cyscon.de/verify.php?key=downloads.phpnuke.org Thanks! phpnuke.org team
Thanks for free software
DO NOT go here! See:[http://www.mywot.com/en/forum/1607-safe]!
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