Безопасен ли politicususa.com?

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This is generally an accurate site, though some articles could be better linked or sourced and this site has a pronounced leftward bias. This site has failed fact checks thus it is not as reliable as it should be. See: *****
This website is ridiculously communist leaning, and the stories are nothing more than Stalinist fodder. I was shocked by the articles that I read, as they are very biased and is not real journalism. I don't trust this website as it seems to be nothing more communist and far left leaning propaganda.
great site in my opinion and it is nice to see that politicususa.com are not affiliated with any other group, political PAC or party. also updated on regular basis..
Fair and balanced report on political events. The best place to get all your news updates. Politicususa is Very safe and highly recommended.
They are spreading FAKE NEWS in my opinion.
This site is honest as to their political orientation (unlike many in the same arena). Read their "About Us" page at politicususa.com/about-us. As with all political information, children need to have the "filter" of their parents to explain what is really true and what is opinion. Hopefully, the parents have the ability and integrity to do this very thing! (btw: I notice that many Negative comments about political sites pronounce the "private" commenter's opinions & usually sniping insults without references to factual data. Why not just adopt the handle "anonymous coward" instead of using an unreachable "private" profile? MYWOT is good in concept by corrupted by dishonest or ignorant or partizan folks passing opinions as if they were facts!)
"It Is Time To Seriously Consider Treason Charges Against Republicans" http://www.politicususa.com/2016/12/12/time-treason-charges.html I've seen some pretty stupid, psychotic things on the internet, but this is definitely one of my top 10. If we actually listened to people like this, we'd become a Stalinist dictatorship within a year.
I don't see a problem with it. I've corroborated several stories with more mainstream and vetted media. Yes this site has a left slant to it BUT THEY SAY THEY DO. Nothing is hidden -they don't attempt to masquerade as a "balanced" news site so one should know what to expect. Much better honesty than many sites that claim to be simply "news" sites until you check their ownership and background and find out they are backed by extremist groups. I have no problem with this. Those who want to spread hate and division, or deride anyone on the left wing all the way up to the current president, would have a problem.
Do not be fooled by the negative comments. Any site which gives a fair and balanced report on political events will almost always be criticized by white supremacist evangelical zionist Christian fundamentalists who label anyone that doesn't want to wipe Muslims and Arabs off the planet as a "liberal", "leftist", "socialist", or "communist". These white supremacists have been able to openly demonize and call for genocide against Muslims for years and years and anyone who poses a challenge to their genocidal plans is labeled "un-American". I applaud anyone who stands up to these zionist neo-nazi trumpist alt-right bullies.
Clickbait site hosts fake or cliff hanger news stories to get revenue.
Far Left, Dishonest Reporting, DO not use for any reason (don't feed the troll)
Nice site. Looks secure :) Go for it
The sites "Promoted Content From The Web:" leads to sites with poor WOT ratings.
A propagandist site, tailor fit for the ill informed sheep who are too fragile minded to understand anything out of the box. Spreading lies and hate of an extreme left wing Anti-American tongue. Steer clear of this virus.
this site is pure unmitigated autism
Totally Bogus, never stop lying, barry soretoro alias obama is a fraud, jihadist
This site promotes racist ideas against people with different political background's. The writers and staff are 'useful idiots' who are being used in a hateful left wing agenda. I do not recommend using this site, and definitely do not agree with their worldview.
16 web bugs???? And people argue that web bugs aren't an issue....yea, right!
The web site states Real Liberal Politics, nothing hidden, It is nice to read a breath of honesty in a country that is dominated with conservative media, if you like spin, lies and bashing for everything that is not single, rich, white, older, consecrative hatred for anything not like them, then this site is not for you. The web site is very up front about who they are. If you like a breath of honesty, about what is going on in this world then this website if full of useful information.
This is one of the most pathetic, hateful America bashing, Constitution bashing, Obamaphilic web sites I've ever seen.
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