Безопасен ли safe-girls.net?

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безопасность для детей

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Постоянная рассылка email спама! / Regular email spam sending!
Spammer listed with Joewein re: ***** DNS: http://www.robtex.com/dns/safe-girls.net.html
safe-girls.net is blacklisted by Joe Wein
This site was detected and reported in the spam blocklist maintained by Joe Wein. It is listed at ***** Be wary of spammed sites, they are often run by criminals who are out to defraud you.
Same owners who registered: ageverify141.com, ageverify142.com, ***** etc etc etc. Using a fake / forged VeriSign certificate. Give them your CC# and personal info and you will regret it.
Involved in Spamming Be aware of using. Reference: *****
Claims to help keep people safe from attacks when meeting offline, Really just getting your info to sell to other sites
Listed on HMOS Domain Warning List ***** If you would like your site reviewed, please see the above URL. If it is a false positive, it will be removed from the list.
Appeared on HMOS malware domains list: *****
Linked to the site that claims to be legit. Talked to a support guy that claimed that they aren't breaking the law lol. This site is part of ***** help take them down please.
Owner of this site also owns many other domains for so called dating safety "hookup" sites. Not sure if they are just trying to scam the guys or if there are any legitimate women who have joined their www.safe-girls.net site which "THINK" this site is a legitimate site. Note it is not tied into a national sex offender database and there is no working links on the site or history to the site. ***** was just registered this past December 2008 its now January 2009 just do a whois lookup for the domain owner and you can see it is one in the same. HIGH SCAM ALERT!!! The scheme works like this, you answer a personal ad on craigslist or one of the hundreds of other sites and directories out there. A "Girl" you hope at least, replies that they are SO interested in you but for their safety need to ensure you are of legal age first by getting you to whip out your credit card and join this site for age verification purposes only of course. If you should question that, you'll get another email that it is a FREE site and nothing will be charged on your card and they just use it to confirm who you are and run your name against a national sex offender directory, which is done by another fraudulent site which is also owned by the same folks. SCAM FRAUD ALERT ! ! ! !
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