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На основе 15 отзывов

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I was a Client before , and it's really a very good Provider of Server. I was renting 12 unit and no problem's . But be careful if you don't use security of your server , someone can use ... ;) But no problem
You host with these - your traffic will likely get banned by many.... --- ***** / ***** / http://server.lu welcomes spammers - via the ***** IP ranges (to ban): ***** ***** ***** See: ***** Reporting spam is useless, see: ***** " Furthermore root may solely suspend its services to its customer in case where they are used in blatant violation of Articles 383, 454 et seq. of the Criminal Code of Luxembourg. This being, please solely contact us using the below email address to report content hosted on or transmitted via root servers that is blatantly illegal such as child pornography, inciting racial hatred or inciting violence content or in case of attempt to defraud the public via, for example Phishing attempts. Any other type of claim shall be addressed directly to the applicable party and therefore will be disregarded by root. "
High-Quality hoster in Luxembourg. 100% trusted & safe.
Warning! Check out the other comments and this link: ***** search: server.lu + andy
Reliable hosting! All comments refer to some websites hosted on server.lu, but not on the service itself!
just some subdomains are bad.. but not this provider !!!!!!!!!!
Site is secure! All negative comments belong to the hosted sites at this service. Server-lu itself got a good customer service and support.
Malicious - had malware overwrite hosts file pointing ***** and ***** (with the .com) to ip addresses ***** and *****
i got some spam registrations by this domain - 91-212-226-114.server.lu
I've seen people doing business with server.lu in the past, I will be checking this out and adjust my rating if needed.
Everything performs fine with them. No problems, multilingual phone support and the price is fine for .lu
They have good servers
nicht alles okay M4st3rmind; maybe "alles" for you, but not for everybody. Are you God somehow that you know all? My evidences are written. By the way here`s a new one presenting root`s connection with AS50215 Troyak-as Starchenko Roman Fedorovich , a horible AS dedicated to crimeware: ***** . Dig them if you need enlightment. Yours?...
Bribed for sponsoring the Russian organised cybercrime with whole IP ranges dedicated for criminal activity which are against any ISP`s TOS. Few of the recently used IP ranges perpetrating obtrusive crime: ***** - ***** - Artem Zhirkov Netd-lux-network - Russia ***** - ***** - TRADE COMPANY TANJA s.r.o. - Praha ***** - ***** - Financial company "Titan" LTD - Belize ***** - ***** - ROOT ESOLUTIONS - Luxemburg Quote from Google`s diagnostic page for AS5577 from jan.2010 (http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=AS:5577 ): Has this network hosted sites that have distributed malware? Yes, this network has hosted sites that have distributed malicious software in the past 90 days. We found 1088 site(s), including, for example, usaforwarding.cn/, ntwportal.com/, google-analytiics.com/, that infected 30894 other site(s), including, for example, marchex.com/, takesa1.go.th/, ***** Other refs.: ***** ***** Where are the authorities able to simply put offline such an ISP consciously involved in this evil "business" that do so much harm?
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