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vacationbookingonline.info was found on May 2nd, 2011 on the URIBL (URI based Blacklist service) for possible SPAM and/or Malware violations.
Enom / Demand Media is the second largest registrar, but its reputation is at rock bottom. Between December 2009 and April 2010, Internet compliance firms LegitScript and KnujOn provided 16 domain name registrars with evidence that their services were being abused by rogue Internet pharmacies. The evidence included letters from pharmacy licensing boards stating that the pharmacy licenses displayed on the websites were forgeries and screen-shots showing that the websites were selling prescription drugs like OxyContin or Viagra without a prescription. According to the report, 11 of the registrars suspended services to the websites, but 5 others, eNom (DemandMedia), UK2Group, Moniker, CentroHost and Realtime Register, allowed some or all of the websites to continue using their paid services. Why should decent companies continue to give their business to crime sponsors? And yet ICANN accredits them. Go figure how much revenue ICANN receives from cyber-crime support. According to HostExploit, eNom is host to an unusually large number of malicious websites and is a preferred domain name registrar for pharmaceutical spammers. ICANN is finally looking at ENOM's crime sponsorship .. see .. ***** or ***** As of February 22, 2011, the abuse rate comparison between top registrar Godaddy and second largest registrar eNom shows * ENOM = 31% - 939 of 3022 domains registered at are listed as spammed in the 5 day period * GODADDY = 7% - 387 of 5486 domains registered at are listed as spammed in the 5 day period That shows the difference between a registrar (GODADDY) that discourages crime by rapidly terminating abusive domains, and ENOM which has not taken its responsibilities seriously. Enom (DemandMedia) is a disgrace in the Internet community. Enom needs to take control of the abuse it is suffering. This site is just another example. Enom is providing a safe haven for illegal operations. Yet Enom's terms and conditions permit instant suspension. No ethical registrar welcomes criminal abuse of its services. Why does Enom? Enom has an unacceptably high proportion of its registered customer domains caught and reported by spam-traps. Enom needs to monitor the spammed domains in its portfolio of service contracts and suspend the guilty ones in accordance with its terms and conditions.
A company located in Russia - registrar: NAUNET-REG-RIPN - accepts service contracts from criminals for Russian (.ru) domain names. They are sinking Russia's reputation to an all time low. In May, a spam trap report showed 93.5% - 360 of 385 domains appearing in email which are registered at NAUNET-REG-RIPN were spammed in the previous 5 days. Criminal evidence is at ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Before you entrust your credit card to these Russian criminals, read the evidence and decide whether the gamble is worth it. The illegal Name Servers used and the registrar responsible - ns1.namecloud.ru. ns2.namecloud.ru. Crime sponsor = registrar: NAUNET-REG-RIPN ns1.wisehosting.ru. ns2.wisehosting.ru. Crime sponsor = registrar: NAUNET-REG-RIPN Complain with the free template generator at ***** adding a link to this page under evidence. Dirty IP addresses used for name servers and contact for the owner responsible ns1.namecloud.ru. ***** | CN | CHINANET-BACKBONE No.31,Jin-rong Street - complain ***** ***** ns1.wisehosting.ru. ***** | CN | CHINANET-BACKBONE No.31,Jin-rong Street - (see above) ns2.namecloud.ru. ***** | CN | CHINA169-BACKBONE CNCGROUP China169 Backbone - complain ***** ***** ns2.wisehosting.ru. ***** | CN | CHINA169-BACKBONE CNCGROUP China169 Backbone - (see above) Email a blackhole request for these illegal IP addresses with a link here for evidence You can contact this crime sponsoring registrar by ***** with a copy to the RU CERT at *****
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