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Photoshopped click bait leading to non-existent "stories". "25 animals you won't believe are real"...because they aren't! "25 photos that can't be explained"... Wrong again. You photoshopped them! These days the clickbait is more for the celebrity addled, but just as vacuous. It is sad to think that there must be so many gullible idiots, judging by how these useless sites spring up daily. Once I saw an employee click on one. I fired him on the spot. I should have taken a hammer and broke his hand. When will people understand why these sites exist??? It's simple. You have scammy/unethical/salacious advertising that a reputable site would never allow. So, people that are of the same ilk start a site that simply lies to get you there so that you can see those scammy adverts. Period. No news value, no information value, it's just a platform to thrust a lot of BS advertising in your face. Do you want to end up like India, saturation marketing in your face 24/7? Visiting sites like this is how that comes to pass, eventually.
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