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eMAG is one of Romania’s leading e-commerce platforms… and honestly, i don’t understand why They still rely on its old glory, as it is one of the first online platforms, but in the meantime, a few better ones have appeared in the market. The only advantage of emag is their amazing range of products. But everything else is a disadvantage. Delivery times are often longer than the estimated delivery date you see after you make the purchase. Customer service is not helpful at all. It is like chatting with a chatbot. Prices are no longer as competitive as they used to be.
Emag is a good website for shopping products. But there are 2 problems with Emag. 1. Some products that you order may probably be defected at arrival (i haven't experienced this myself yet). 2. For some reason prices on products increase and decrease randomly. So you need to watch the price carefully, if not you might buy it at a higher price.
Safe and good prices sometimes. Make sure to use the Pricy Google Extention on this site to get the best price ;-) Thank me later.
okay. fara probleme. unul dintre cele mai bune site-uri de cumparaturi online din Romania.
I am very satisfied with all the products I have ordered from this website. Their customer service is good as well. I recommend them.
if you are not satisfied with the product they will get it back and will refund the money. They are very serious
In ultimii ani - si mai toata lumea e de acord - am observat imbunatatiri spre exemplu de la un Black Friday la altul, modul in care sunt prezentate ofertele sau sunt transmise newsletterele sunt mult mai user friendly. Urmaresc in special sectiunea de laptopuri si aici se vad clar imbunatatirile atat in materie de laptopuri adaugate in lista de produse, cat si de prezentare.
Saddly it's the second time emag is sending me a broken product :( I have very little confidence buying any products from their website now. They can'y event change it as it's not available anymore :(
Bisnitari din IT&C-ul romanesc, care se ghideaza pe principiul sa-i prostim pe prosti. Exemplu: - Daca un produs costa 10 lei, pretul acestuia va fi urcat la 15 lei dupa care introdus in promotie cu reducere de 3 lei, adica la 12 lei. Cam asa se prostesc prostii - de la 10 lei produsul a fost redus la 12 lei. Daca nu urmaresti constant preturile ai muscat "oferta speciala". La toate acestea se adauga faptul ca serviciul de asistenta este praf, in caz de probleme cu un produs aflat in garantie vor cauta nod in papura pentru a anula garantia.
IT products, electronics, gadgets, toys, books, music and movies. Good customer experience.
Am cumparat de doua ori de la ei, totul a fost ok. Livrarea a durat 2-3 zile.
A very good site, especially if you are a Romanian. Their offers are extremely good. Un site foarte bun, mai ales daca esti roman, Ofertele lor sunt foarte bune
High quality services, I've never had problems with them, I highly recommend buying from eMag.
A very good site, especially if you are a Romanian. Their offers are extremely good. Un site foarte bun, mai ales daca esti roman, Ofertele lor sunt foarte bune.
Site problems, cannot login.
So far I have haven't had any problems with this online store, minus the annoying ads mind you.
Acum de sarbatori nu stiau cum sa prinda mai multa lume la care sa trimita oferta si au bagat o chestie In care sa introduci... cadoul dorit si mosul posibil sa ti-l aduca.... intre timp mam trezit cu o groaza de reclama de la ei.. Au actionat ca niste tigani!
Acum de sarbatori nu stiau cum sa prinda mai multa lume la care sa trimita oferta si au bagat o chestie In care sa introduci... cadoul dorit si mosul posibil sa ti-l aduca.... intre timp mam trezit cu o groaza de reclama de la ei.. Au actionat ca niste tigani!
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