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Conspiracy theory website claiming school shootings are faked, 9/11 was a hoax, etc. Also infamously dishonest about medicine, spreading lies and misinformation about real treatments (including lifesaving interventions such as vaccines) and about all sorts of other issues (such as fluoride and microwave ovens) in order to scare people into buying expensive bogus alternatives, treatments and preventatives.
Completely harmless site, unless you believe that freedom of speech is dangerous. Or maybe you want to promote government control of your health options?
Nothing wrong with this website, except they derail Big Pham's money train. Great alternatives. Colloidal silver works like a charm for my family AND my pets! Liars! It just doesn't require an expensive doctor visit and doesn't ruin all your gut bacteria, like their meds do!
This is a wonderful, safe site that provides wonderful, much-needed information.
great site! no fake news
This web site has, among other things, an article that outlines how vaccine industry trolls sabatoge anti-vaccine sites. The orange WOT rating reflects such paid trolling. I have a prewritten comment for my WOT rating in such cases: Ignore the red WOT (Web Of Trust) rating. Drug industry trolls are again trashing the WOT rating for a site that questions the safety and efficacy of vaccines. How much do they get paid to give bad WOT ratings to such sites as this?
Awful conspiracy theory nonsense, misleading many people on medical topics, and the author makes money on all kinds of nonsense, including misleading people into buying products for symptoms for which people REALLY should go straight to the doctor for. Dangerous and delusional, and, the author NEVER corrects articles even when seriously unhealthy practices are being promoted.a
Google and Twitter have enabled spurious comments to block this website. Twitter has admitted it banned conservatives and joined with leftists. Google is a leading anarchist bent on destroying this news site
There's nothing wrong with this site. It happens to be run by someone who disagrees with what the government is pushing on us - and offers information from a different perspective.
Great site, not sure why it's listed as unsafe.
Most of these ratings are biased & politically charged. There is absolutely nothing on this site that will harm your computer. So what if they sell alternative medicines ! You're not obligated to buy anything from them & they have a right to capitalize on their platform. Get a clue you friggin commies !
I have had no issues with this site. This is news. There is no adult material here outside of news.
There is a lot of very good information on this site. It's not perfect but it's very good. Some folks speak of "alternative medicine" here as if there is nop good in it. Many of these folks are also just fine with consuming genetically modified foods some of which which are known carcinogens. We should always do oue own homework when it comes to medical issues.
Site is SAFE. ClickArmy was paid to mark this site as not safe. ClickArmy - rent 1000 poor people to click Not Safe for $100 ALL!
Interesting. Provocative.
I have never had issues with this site.
The site itself is safe. It is called 'Natural' News and yes they promote natural alternatives to conventional medicine. That doesn't make them malicious. As for any ads, use an adblocker if you are that worried.
While Mike has been known to be sensationalistic at times, he also reports legitimate news from an alternative medical perspective. I recently began to use WOT and am disappointed to find warnings on numerous sites that promote alternative medicine. I realize that many don't know much about alternative medicine which, btw, used to be the norm before the pharmaceutical companies took over the med schools thus ousting what had been successfully practiced (I'm not including the real quacks). Incidentally, the U.S. has been listed as one of the sickest nations on earth and yet we're supposed to have the best medicine? Think again. The fact that Mike does not promote western medicine does not make him a quack or dangerous even if one disagrees. I could easily turn that around and say that western medicine has done more harm on my health in the past 50+ years. As for his products -- I purchased a couple of items in the distant past which were great. They were supplements for pete's sake just like one finds in stores except that he tends to be more stringent with purity and ingredients. Btw, I'm not affiliated with Natural News in any way, shape or form. If anything, I will be the first to admit that I don't always agree with Mike, no different than disagreeing with my neighbor or relative, even if eccentric. I thought that WOT would be more balanced and not given to ideologies. I plan to rethink whether to continue using this app. Last but not least, there are western medicine websites that I would not go near with a 10-foot pole but I am not going to smear them and list them on WOT as dangerous which is what is being done here. Dr. Killjoy -- it was legitimate drugs (aka "medicine") that caused my health to plummet to the point where I should by all intents and purposes be in a plastic bubble with a severe IgA deficiency. Prior to switching to alternative, I was on antibiotics every other month for severe infections. After starting a regimen of specific supplements & made dietary changes, I have not needed any antibiotics for 6 years. There are many outstanding, fine physicians that were trained in US medical schools and went onto have a successful alternative practice. That said, I may not practice conventional medicine but I do believe that it has its place. I no longer throw the baby out with the bathwater because there are times when they compliment each other well. All one needs to do is look around and see how sick we are as a nation. Obesity is on the rise, diabetes is also found in younger people; heart disease, cancer and other conditions are soaring. If western medicine was so spectacular, why are we seeing such high rates of those diseases? Don't be so quick to label this site. It is not dangerous even if he can be sensationalistic at times.
This site is safe. No Trojans, no malware, no viruses. Why are people lying?
Alternative medicine, that doesn't work.
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