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Recent changes on the order of the user comments

Comments play an important role when a user is trying to make an informed decision about whether to enter a site or not. To ensure users are able to find the most relevant comments when reading user reviews, we decided to improve the way comments are presented.

So far, the order of the comments on the scorecard has been determined by the amount of user votes i.e. the more upvotes minus down votes the comment had, the higher-up it was displayed. To improve the relevance of the comments and to ensure that they support the user ratings and selected categories, there are now multiple factors impacting the priority and order of the comments such as up/down votes, the time when the comment was posted, the comment’s length and some other internal signals important to determine the relevance of the comment. Hence, it might happen that a comment with the highest number of upvotes is not displayed on the top. But voting up and down is still highly recommended and it will be taken into account when recalculating the order of the comments.

We encourage everyone to write a comment when rating a site. By submitting comments you can help other people to come to an informed decision whether to trust a site or not. And if you haven’t familiarized yourself with the community guidelines, have a look at them. They provide you with a good guidance on how to make a review.

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